Three Preparation Tips For Efficient Waste Oil Collection

Approximately 706 million gallons of waste oil enter the oceans annually from various sources, including improper disposal. Therefore, you must plan for proper oil management if you operate heavy industrial equipment and machinery. Particularly, prepare adequately for waste oil collection by a licensed contractor.

Plan for waste oil collection to avoid environmental pollution in case of mishaps during collection. Additionally, take the necessary precautions to avoid hefty fines by environmental protection agencies. This post highlights preparation tips for safe waste oil collection.

1. Inspect Container Lids

Store waste oil in tightly closed drums to prevent leaks and contamination from dust and moisture. For instance, use closed-top drums since they have a non-removable lid and a bunghole, which ensure that oil remains in the container. Alternatively, use open-top drums; ensure the removable lid is tightly secured with a snap ring and bolted.

As you prepare for waste oil pickup, the bung or snap ring might loosen. Thus, scrutinize each barrel's lid to ensure no loose covers before loading it onto a truck. Also, secure each container to prevent spillage if it topples during transportation.

2. Ready Enough Spill Kits

Never rule out the possibility of waste oil spillage despite taking the necessary precautions. Therefore, plan adequately for mishaps to avoid extensive contamination. For example, keep enough spill kits ready to help with prompt clean-up and prevent environmental pollution.

The EPA requires an industrial facility to have spill control equipment to address spillage issues during waste oil collection. Therefore, avail industry-standard absorbent materials to comply with environmental safety requirements. A spill kit pad's synthetic sorbents and polymers typically attract oil molecules but repel water. In addition, train all employees to use spill kits correctly for a timely response.

3. Designate a Waste Oil Collection Spot

Waste oil collection is a sensitive exercise that requires adequate controls. Therefore, identify and designate a specific pickup area to avoid hitches. Ideally, move oil containers to a pickup spot a few days before the collection date and keep unauthorized personnel away.

Ensure the collection spot is free of disturbances so that a licensed waste oil handler is not interrupted. Additionally, hang visible warning signage prohibiting dangerous activities, such as smoking, to prevent fire hazards. A well-prepared waste oil collection area allows for speedy pickup and minimizes spillages.

Collecting waste oil can be hazardous and time-consuming. Therefore, prepare early by inspecting storage container lids, availing enough spill kits, and designating waste oil collection spots to ensure a smooth exercise. 

For more info about waste oil collection, contact a local company. 
